MOJO Facemasks – get yours!
In these difficult times our fundraising activities have been severely curtailed. We haven’t been able to hold any of our popular events this year which, apart from denying us the opportunity of meeting our supporters, has put a dent in our finances.
In an effort to raise funds for the vital work we do with, and for, vulnerable and disadvantaged people, we are offering our exclusive and rather attractive MOJO branded facemasks at the bargain price of £10.00 each.
If you’re looking for a last-minute Christmas present, look no further. Stocks are limited, so don’t miss out.
To order a mask, please drop us an email to and click HERE to pay by PayPal. Postage is included in the price. Or collect in person from our office – but call us first, please, to let us know when you’ll arrive. Our number is 0141 552 0009.